Battles are conducted almost automatically, as are quests. All you need to storm through the game is a greater power number. The game-play is number driven with no need for skill or strategy at all. It definitely wasn’t a story that held my attention or interest. I most probably can’t remember it as I was too busy reading something interesting, which says a lot in itself.

Some ancient evil rising or something cliched most probably. I know there was one at the start, and am guessing the dialogue drives you along through it – but I can’t remember what it was exactly. The characters do have a skill system, but certain skills unlock at certain levels meaning that you are only really able to apply skills in a set pattern anyway which limits options. That is all the customization options that you get in this game. The drawing and animation is cool at least. This kind of translates into the class three warrior, mage or archer. Is rather basic – you have three classes to choose from: – Swordsman, Elementalist or Hunter. Dracule Mihawk makes a subtle and unaccredited cameo.‘Difficulty’ in the sense of losing matches escalates quickly to put pressure on spending.

Story is a little lack-luster and is totally tuned out through the random quests that have you running in circles.Lots to do and different things to explore.Extreme Pay to Win model – everything is restricted and you have to pay to access more.Very easy to play – just click a button and it plays itself.

It is very much a pay to win model that does everything it can to get your credit card details. It plays very similar to browser based anime games like One Piece, or Gundam Wing but kind of lacks the diversity of team build that comes with them. It is a side-scrolling RPG that is most all automated, and the only thing that really matters is the Power number at the top of the screen. It is download quickly through, and with the minimum of installation unlike most MMORPG games. Lunaria Story is available via a client called R2 games, if you’ve read my previous review on Tales of Solaris you maybe familiar with it. Lunaria Story: A step into the murky depths of pay to win.